Simon Popelier's blog

Posted Mon 10 April 2023

Graph Structure Learning


You are at the top of a tower overlooking the city and watch people come and go like a colony of ants. Some are running into subway stations, and some are running out of them. As the day progresses, you see patterns that govern the number of people coming and going at different stations, at different times. Your almost pathological love of Machine Learning tells you that it would certainly be possible to predict this pattern. You think of your friend Michael, a strong advocate of graphs, and you remark that the use of Graph Neural Networks would be perfectly relevant in this case! The metro network is obviously at the heart of this dynamic. However, you don't have the map in front of you. How to take advantage of this technology?


In this article, we will focus on Graph Structure Learning, a joint learning technique of the graph: the subway network, and the prediction object: the number of passengers at each station.

More generally, this technique allows the use of graph-based methods on data for which the existence of an underlying graph is suspected, but for which the available graph is noisy, partially or completely unknown.

The methods thus made available by the acquisition of a graph range from spectral techniques to the more recent use of Graph Neural Networks. The latter has been illustrated in recent years on different problems such as social network data (Fan et al., 2019), recommendations (Wu et al., 2022), or spatial analysis (Derrow-Pinion et al., 2021).

The purpose of this article is to illustrate the usefulness of such a method and to explain the different approaches succinctly. We will take as an example the prediction of traffic on a fictitious subway network.



The main interest of such a method is above all to improve the performance of a model. This is done by adding an inductive bias that characterizes the problem as a graph problem. The performance is then improved by learning or refining this graph, helping the model to structure the inputs in a way that is adapted to the solution of the problem.


Another reason to use such a module would be to be able to better understand the environment in which we work. Indeed, graphs allow a clear visualization and are anchored in the reality of the problem on which we can project ourselves to make the analysis.

In our example, it could allow us to reveal the subway network until now hidden to the observer. This is also the idea behind Graph WaveNet (Wu et al., 2019).

However, it should be noted that as the neural network grows in size, the underlying graph used by it may be distinct from the graph a human would tend to read things from.

E.g. Even though the performance of the network is improved in the presence of the graph, the MTGNN model (Wu et al., 2020) hardly produces a human-readable graph.

In this case, we can talk about explainability and not only interpretability, since we are talking about the analysis of the neural network itself and the way it has modeled the problem.


Finally, it is also possible to use this mechanism as a protection against graph traffickers. Indeed, as for any type of data, it is possible to knowingly alter the prediction of a network to take advantage of it. This can be the case for example for a recommendation engine for which one would like to bias the prediction in favor or against a particular product. Graph Structure Learning can then rectify this graph, correcting in particular the inappropriate edges. This is what (Jin et al., 2020) call Graph Purification.



There are different ways to use an SLM module within a neural network architecture.

Bloc description

1) Joint paradigm

A simple solution in which a single GSL block is used, followed by the rest of the GNN.

2) Adaptive paradigm

A solution in which a succession of GSL-GNN blocks is used. This is for example the case with the MTGNN architecture (Wu et al., 2020).

3) Iterative paradigm

A solution that resembles the previous one, but that does not stipulate a fixed number of blocks but rather a condition from which we stop applying this block in a loop (Chen et al., 2020).


Constraints on the graph

When learning a graph, we will often want to constrain it to respect the attributes that graphs in general include.

There are two ways to enforce these constraints: regularization (by altering the loss function) and architectural constraint (by altering the neural network itself).

We will focus on the most frequently used attributes, but there are others.

Constraints by regularization

With regularization techniques, we alter the loss function to orient the learning of the graph:

$$ L = L_{pred} + \lambda L_{reg} $$

In particular, we can enforce various constraints mentioned by (Kalofolias, 2016).

$$ L_{reg}(A, X) = \frac{1}{2}\sum A_{ij}(x_i-x_j)^2 $$

Conversely, we could place ourselves in a heterophily context where we want the connected nodes to have distant embeddings.


$$ L_{reg}(A) = ||A||_0 $$


$$ L_{reg}(A) = rank(A) $$
$$ L_{reg}(A) = -1^Tlog(A1) $$

Architectural constraints



There are three notable architectures for learning a graph. All these architectures lead to the computation of an adjacency matrix, but do it differently.

In this architecture, we will directly optimize the adjacency matrix \(A\), as a free parameter. This is for example the case with the GLNN architecture (Gao et al., 2019).

Adjacency Matrix

This approach uses a distance metric to estimate the edge weight between two nodes from the two embeddings of these nodes. This allows the addition of new nodes if the embeddings of the nodes contain sufficient information to do so.

For example, a classical metric like cosine similarity(Nguyen & Bai, 2011) can be used:

$$ A = cos(w\odot v_i, w\odot v_j) $$

with \(w\) a trainable parameter. This is the case for example for the IDGL architecture (Chen et al., 2020).


Some more complex methods can also replace classical metrics. One thinks for instance of attention mechanisms (Veličković et al., 2018).

A last approach, structure-aware learning, additionally considers the attributes of the edge between the two nodes to establish the weight of the latter.


Graph Structure Learning methods are an excellent way to enable the use of graph methods that recent successes make attractive, by correcting or learning the structure to work on.

In this article, we have given a first overview of these techniques: the reasons why they are used, how they are incorporated into a DNN network, their architecture, and the constraints they impose on the learned graph.

This is a very active area of research and the points discussed here are far from exhaustive.

This paper is based on the overviews of (Zhu et al., 2022) and (Chen, Yu, and Wu, Lingfei, 2022).

We will experiment with a simple SLM method in a future paper.


Chen, Y., Wu, L., & Zaki, M. J. (2020). Iterative Deep Graph Learning for Graph Neural Networks : Better and Robust Node Embeddings (arXiv:2006.13009). arXiv.

Derrow-Pinion, A., She, J., Wong, D., Lange, O., Hester, T., Perez, L., Nunkesser, M., Lee, S., Guo, X., Wiltshire, B., Battaglia, P. W., Gupta, V., Li, A., Xu, Z., Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., Li, Y., & Veličković, P. (2021). ETA Prediction with Graph Neural Networks in Google Maps. Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, 3767‑3776.

Fan, W., Ma, Y., Li, Q., He, Y., Zhao, E., Tang, J., & Yin, D. (2019). Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommendation. The World Wide Web Conference, 417‑426.

Gao, X., Hu, W., & Guo, Z. (2019). Exploring Structure-Adaptive Graph Learning for Robust Semi-Supervised Classification (arXiv:1904.10146). arXiv.

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Jin, W., Li, Y., Xu, H., Wang, Y., Ji, S., Aggarwal, C., & Tang, J. (2020). Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Graphs : A Review, A Tool and Empirical Studies (arXiv:2003.00653). arXiv.

Kalofolias, V. (2016). How to learn a graph from smooth signals (arXiv:1601.02513). arXiv.

Nguyen, H. V., & Bai, L. (2011). Cosine Similarity Metric Learning for Face Verification. In R. Kimmel, R. Klette, & A. Sugimoto (Éds.), Computer Vision – ACCV 2010 (p. 709‑720). Springer.

Veličković, P., Cucurull, G., Casanova, A., Romero, A., Liò, P., & Bengio, Y. (2018). Graph Attention Networks (arXiv:1710.10903). arXiv.

Wu, S., Sun, F., Zhang, W., Xie, X., & Cui, B. (2022). Graph Neural Networks in Recommender Systems : A Survey (arXiv:2011.02260). arXiv.

Wu, Z., Pan, S., Long, G., Jiang, J., Chang, X., & Zhang, C. (2020). Connecting the Dots : Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with Graph Neural Networks (arXiv:2005.11650). arXiv.

Zhu, Y., Xu, W., Zhang, J., Du, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, Q., Yang, C., & Wu, S. (2022). A Survey on Graph Structure Learning : Progress and Opportunities (arXiv:2103.03036). arXiv.

Wu, Z., Pan, S., Long, G., Jiang, J., & Zhang, C. (2019). Graph WaveNet for Deep Spatial-Temporal Graph Modeling (arXiv:1906.00121). arXiv.

Category: GraphML
Tags: graph-structure-learning theory overview